Na visita à Comunidade Canção Nova, em Cachoeira Paulista, no Vale do Paraíba, o Presidente eleito Jair Bolsonaro recebeu oração de Mons. Jonas Abir, Luzia Santiago e Etto. Padre Bruno conduziu o momento de intercessão pelo representante máximo da nação dentro do Santuário do Pai das Misericórdias, acompanhado por diversas pessoas no templo e por milhares através da internet e da TV Canção Nova.

Monsenhor Jonas Abib reza por Jair Bolsonaro.
Confira o momento de oração
CANÇÃO NOVA Lugar Santo! Que Deus proteja nosso Presidente, uma benção estar aí ! Vai estar protegido de todo mal,
É lamentável o que vejo! !
Canção Nova e representantes ‘mendigando ‘ . .. Uma forte demonstração de puxa – saquinho.
Apelar , seria dizer pouco. ..
Se Jesus, aqui estivesse, o ‘chicote ‘, seria usado novamente .Só posso dizer, de tudo isso : ” Tire as sandálias, esse local é Sagrado “.
Evangelizar não pode ser confundido com mendigar. Lamentável.
Lamentável! !!!
Tire as sandálias…
Deus seja louvando,a canção Nova e um lugar que realmente em cada cantinho que passamos a presença de Deus e tremenda.tive o privilégio de ir ao PAN e lá fui curada de uma dor na minha perna direita,no momento do LUAU,Deus abençoe a todos vcs que fazem parte dessa obra maravilhoso❤❤❤
Mesmo sendo cristã, senti nojo de vocês.
Nojo de vcs
Deus te ABENÇOE Presidente!
Mais uma vez a igreja católica com sangue nas mãos
Want to see new American Idol Judge Jennifer Lopez get naked?
Significantly in her movie career Jennifer Lopez or K.Lo has appeared nude in two films.
J.Lo was recently signed to be one of the new judges on American Idol after Simon Cowell left the show and Ellen DeGeneres and Kara
DioGuardi were let go.
If this film without a doubt the real thing and not staged, then it serves
as the travelogue into an artist throwing away his talent thoughtlessly.
Joaquin transforms himself from a genuinely talented actor to a grotesquely overweight sloth
the same as Marlon Brando allowed himself to become in his later decades.
Joaquin’s refusal to shave his hair which grows like a weed
acts as his way of giving the Hollywood establishment the finger, and just increases our perception of him as being a
complete weirdo.
The the usual understanding holds every rock star wants turn out to
be an actor, and every actor for you to be a musician. It might be a mistake for Phoenix to pursue music (O.K.,
usually definitely a mistake), but maybe just being
spontaneous and hoping make use of of his celebrity to transition into another style of performance.
Most sensual satire/parody: Quills, featuring Geoff Rush given that tormented and psychotic Marquise de Sade.
There are several quirky and bizarre, but steamy scenes with Kate Winslet , joker android apk and
Greta Sacchi in various situations.
Black Snake Moan – This Craig Brewer film was, of
course, shot in Memphis. Brewer, who spent almost his childhood years in Memphis, has set
slim down his films in metropolis as very well.
Confessions of a Shopaholic, June 23 – Adapted with the book,
the reason the story of a shopaholic who becomes a financial
journalist with plenty income to secure her drug addiction. Joan Cusak, John Goodman, John Lithgow, and Kristen Scott Thomas anchor down a leading
cast of unknowns.
In the film J.Lo briefly appears topless as she makes like to Wesley
Snipes. Despite the brief nudity from Jennifer Lopez the Train the train wreck at
software program office. Costing a reported $68 million dollars to make to date Money Train has only
earned $35.4 million.
Edward James Olmos of “Battlestar Galactica” thought the event was not
only brought awareness to your children and the requirements of this organization, memorialized one
of very best human beings. And Danny DeVito,
like many others, knew that Newman was there in spirit.
Causa-me indignação ver católicos ter apoiado a eleição de um homem que tem um histórico de comportamento agressivo e de incitação à violência. O fato de ele ser admirador incondicional do Coronel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, primeiro militar condenado pela justiça brasileira pela prática de tortura durante a Ditadura Militar e de ter autorizado o cidadão brasileiro a possuir até 4 armas me leva a dar razão ao trocadilho que fizeram: Teria Jesus dito “Armais-vos uns aos outros?”Ou estão adaptando o Evangelho conforme as conveniências?